Technical Writing Goals.

Technical Writing Goals.


Hello, my name is Florence. I am a 22-year-old Software developer aiming to use this blog to document my day to day life as a Software Developer. I am doing this to get out of my comfort zone and get out of my head as I swim against the current till I reach my goals.

Success differs from person to person when it comes to technical writing; some do it to gain an audience and build a brand, some to learn while teaching, some as a means to earn extra income. While the definition of success changes from time to time, at this particular point in time, I would define success as being able to meet my monthly, as well as my yearly goal in the next one year.

Monthly Goal:

  • I would love to publish at least 4 articles per month.

One Year Goals:

  • Consistency.
  • Growth as a developer because the best way to learn is to teach.
  • Better communicator and the ability to express my thoughts more clearly.
  • Hopefully, inspire someone on my journey as a techie.
  • Socialize and hopefully make a few friends

Let's do this! This will help me be accountable and consistent on here.